What is the smallest, positive, number that can be divided by all numbers from 1 to 20 without any remainder?
We are given that 2520 is the smallest that can be divided by all numbers from 1:10.
One number that can definitely be divided by all numbers from 1:20 is:
## [1] 2.432902e+18
But given that
## [1] 3628800
is rather larger than 2520, it is definitely not the answer.
The answer must be a multiple of all the primes smaller than 20. A number that is divisible by 15, will be divisible by
3 and 5.
The library “numbers” have a lot of useful functions. Primes(20) returns all primes smaller than 20, and prod() returns the product of all those primes
## [1] 9699690
Could that be the answer?
What we are looking at is the modulo-operator. 9699690 modulo 2 – what is the remainder? We know that all the remainders, dividing by 1 to 20 must be 0.
prod(Primes(20)) %% 2
## [1] 0
And our large product is divisible by 2 without a remainder.
Thankfully the operator is vectorized, so we can do all the divisions in one go:
9699690 %% 1:20
## [1] 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 6 0 0 0 10 0 12 0 10
9699690 %% 4
## [1] 2
Leaves a remainder.
(2*9699690) %% 4
## [1] 0
Now I just need to find the number to multiply 9699690 with, in order for all the divisions to have a remainder of 0.
That is, change i in this code until the answer is true.
i <- 2
all((i*9699690) %% 1:20 == 0)
## [1] FALSE
Starting with 1*9699690, I test if all the remainders of the divisions by all numbers from 1 to 20 is zero.
As long as they are not, I increase i by 1, save i*9699690 as the answer, and test again.
If the test is TRUE, that is all the remainders are 0, the while-loop quits, and I have the answer.
i <- 1
while(!all((i*9699690) %% 1:20 == 0)){
i <- i + 1
answer <- i*9699690