Star Trek in stardate order

By popular demand: Star Trek in stardate order. Discovery is not in the list. I think we still have to figure out if it is a heretical series, or if it fits into the correct, and only true timeline.

Series Season Title Episode (Star)date(s) Stardate used for sorting
ENT 1 Broken Bow 1×01/02 4/16/2151
ENT 1 Fight or Flight 1×03 05-06-2151
ENT 1 Strange New World 1×04 Unknown
ENT 1 Unexpected 1×05 Unknown
ENT 1 Terra Nova 1×06 Unknown
ENT 1 The Andorian Incident 1×07 Unknown
ENT 1 Breaking the Ice 1×08 Unknown
ENT 1 Civilization 1×09 7/31/2151
ENT 1 Fortunate Son 1×10 Unknown
ENT 1 Silent Enemy 1×12 09-01-2151
ENT 1 Cold Front 1×11 09-09-2151
ENT 1 Dear Doctor 1×13 Unknown
ENT 1 Shadows of P’Jem 1×15 Unknown
ENT 1 Sleeping Dogs 1×14 Unknown
ENT 1 Shuttlepod One 1×16 11-09-2151
ENT 1 Fusion 1×17 Unknown
ENT 1 Rogue Planet 1×18 Unknown
ENT 1 Acquisition 1×19 Unknown
ENT 1 Oasis 1×20 Unknown
ENT 1 Detained 1×21 Unknown
ENT 1 Vox Sola 1×22 Unknown
ENT 1 Fallen Hero 1×23 02-09-2152
ENT 1 Desert Crossing 1×24 02-12-2152
ENT 1 Two Days and Two Nights 1×25 2/18/2152
ENT 1 Shockwave 1×26 Unknown
ENT 2 Shockwave, Part II 2×01 Unknown
ENT 2 Carbon Creek 2×02 04-12-2152
ENT 2 Minefield 2×03 Unknown
ENT 2 Dead Stop 2×04 Unknown
ENT 2 A Night in Sickbay 2×05 Unknown
ENT 2 Marauders 2×06 Unknown
ENT 2 The Seventh 2×07 Unknown
ENT 2 The Communicator 2×08 Unknown
ENT 2 Singularity 2×09 8/14/2152
ENT 2 Vanishing Point 2×10 Unknown
ENT 2 Precious Cargo 2×11 09-12-2152
ENT 2 The Catwalk 2×12 9/18/2152
ENT 2 Dawn 2×13 Unknown
ENT 2 Stigma 2×14 Unknown
ENT 2 Cease Fire 2×15 Unknown
ENT 2 Future Tense 2×16 Unknown
ENT 2 Canamar 2×17 Unknown
ENT 2 The Crossing 2×18 Unknown
ENT 2 Judgment 2×19 Unknown
ENT 2 Horizon 2×20 01-10-2153
ENT 2 The Breach 2×21 Unknown
ENT 2 Cogenitor 2×22 Unknown
ENT 2 Regeneration 2×23 03-01-2153
ENT 2 First Flight 2×24 Unknown
ENT 2 Bounty 2×25 3/21/2153
ENT 2 The Expanse 2×26 4/24/2153
ENT 3 The Xindi 3×01 Unknown
ENT 3 Anomaly 3×02 Unknown
ENT 3 Extinction 3×03 Unknown
ENT 3 Rajiin 3×04 Unknown
ENT 3 Impulse 3×05 Unknown
ENT 3 Exile 3×06 Unknown
ENT 3 The Shipment 3×07 Unknown
ENT 3 Twilight 3×08 Unknown
ENT 3 North Star 3×09 Unknown
ENT 3 Similitude 3×10 Unknown
ENT 3 Carpenter Street 3×11 Unknown
ENT 3 Chosen Realm 3×12 Unknown
ENT 3 Proving Ground 3×13 12-06-2153
ENT 3 Stratagem 3×14 12-12-2153
ENT 3 Harbinger 3×15 12/27/2153
ENT 3 Doctor’s Orders 3×16 Unknown
ENT 3 Azati Prime 3×18 2154-01
ENT 3 Hatchery 3×17 01-08-2154
ENT 3 Damage 3×19 Unknown
ENT 3 The Forgotten 3×20 Unknown
ENT 3 3×21 Unknown
ENT 3 The Council 3×22 02-12-2154
ENT 3 Countdown 3×23 2/13/2154
ENT 3 Zero Hour 3×24 2/14/2154
ENT 4 Storm Front 4×01 Unknown
ENT 4 Storm Front, Part II 4×02 Unknown
ENT 4 Home 4×03 Unknown
ENT 4 Borderland 4×04 5/17/2154
ENT 4 Cold Station 12 4×05 Unknown
ENT 4 The Augments 4×06 5/27/2154
ENT 4 The Forge 4×07 Unknown
ENT 4 Awakening 4×08 Unknown
ENT 4 Kir’Shara 4×09 Unknown
ENT 4 Daedalus 4×10 Unknown
ENT 4 Observer Effect 4×11 Unknown
ENT 4 Babel One 4×12 11-12-2154
ENT 4 United 4×13 11/15/2154
ENT 4 The Aenar 4×14 Unknown
ENT 4 Affliction 4×15 11/27/2154
ENT 4 Divergence 4×16 2154-12
ENT 4 Bound 4×17 12/27/2154
ENT 4 In a Mirror, Darkly 4×18 1/13/2155
ENT 4 In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II 4×19 1/18/2155
ENT 4 Demons 4×20 1/19/2155
ENT 4 Terra Prime 4×21 Unknown
TOS 0 The Cage 0x01
TAS 1 The Magicks of Megas-Tu 1×08 1254.4 1254.4
TOS 1 Where No Man Has Gone Before 1×01 1312.4 – 1313.8 1312.4
TOS 1 Mudd’s Women 1×03 1329.8 – 1330.1 1329.8
TOS 1 The Corbomite Maneuver 1×02 1512.2 – 1514.1 1512.2
TOS 1 The Man Trap 1×05 1513.1 – 1513.8 1513.1
TOS 1 Charlie X 1×07 1533.6 – 1535.8 1533.6
TOS 1 The Enemy Within 1×04 1672.1 – 1673.1 1672.1
TOS 1 The Naked Time 1×06 1704.2 – 1704.4 1704.2
TOS 1 Balance of Terror 1×08 1709.2 – 1709.6 1709.2
TOS 1 The Squire of Gothos 1×18 2124.5 – 2126.3 2124.5
TOS 1 What Are Little Girls Made Of? 1×09 2712.4 2712.4
TOS 1 Miri 1×11 2713.5 – 2713.3 2713.5
TOS 1 Dagger of the Mind 1×10 2715.1 – 2715.2 2715.1
TOS 1 The Conscience of the King 1×12 2817.6 – 2819.8 2817.6
TOS 1 The Galileo Seven 1×13 2821.5 – 2823.8 2821.5
TOS 1 Court Martial 1×14 2947.3 – 2950.1 2947.3
TOS 1 The Menagerie, Part I 1×15 3012.4 – 3012.6 3012.4
TOS 1 The Menagerie, Part II 1×16 3013.1 – 3013.2 3013.1
TOS 2 Catspaw 2×01 3018.2 3018.2
TOS 1 Shore Leave 1×17 3025.3 – 3025.8 3025.3
TOS 1 Arena 1×19 3045.6 – 3046.2 3045.6
TOS 1 The Alternative Factor 1×20 3087.6 – 3088.7 3087.6
TOS 1 Tomorrow is Yesterday 1×21 3113.2 – 3114.1 3113.2
TOS 1 Space Seed 1×24 3141.9 – 3143.3 3141.9
TOS 1 The Return of the Archons 1×22 3156.2 – 3158.7 3156.2
TAS 2 The Practical Joker 2×03 3183.3 3183.3
TOS 1 A Taste of Armageddon 1×23 3192.1 – 3193.0 3192.1
TOS 1 The Devil in the Dark 1×26 3196.1 3196.1
TOS 1 Errand of Mercy 1×27 3198.4 – 3201.7 3198.4
TOS 2 The Gamesters of Triskelion 2×17 3211.7 – 3259.2 3211.7
TOS 2 Metamorphosis 2×02 3219.8 – 3220.3 3219.8
TOS 1 Operation — Annihilate! 1×29 3287.2 – 3289.8 3287.2
TOS 2 Amok Time 2×05 3372.7 3372.7
TOS 1 This Side of Paradise 1×25 3417.3 – 3417.7 3417.3
TOS 2 Who Mourns for Adonais? 2×04 3468.1 3468.1
TOS 2 The Deadly Years 2×11 3478.2 – 3479.4 3478.2
TOS 2 Friday’s Child 2×03 3497.2 – 3499.1 3497.2
TOS 2 The Changeling 2×08 3541.9 3541.9
TOS 2 Wolf in the Fold 2×07 3614.9 – 3615.4 3614.9
TOS 2 Obsession 2×18 3619.2 – 3620.7 3619.2
TOS 2 The Apple 2×09 3715.0 – 3715.6 3715
TOS 2 Journey to Babel 2×15 3842.3 – 3843.4 3842.3
TOS 2 Bread and Circuses 2×14 4040.7 – 4041.7 4040.7
TAS 1 The Slaver Weapon 1×14 4187.3 4187.3
TOS 2 The Doomsday Machine 2×06 4202.9 4202.9
TOS 2 A Private Little War 2×16 4211.4 – 4211.8 4211.4
TOS 2 The Immunity Syndrome 2×19 4307.1 – 4309.4 4307.1
TOS 3 Elaan of Troyius 3×02 4372.5 4372.5
TOS 3 Spectre of the Gun 3×01 4385.3 4385.3
TOS 2 I, Mudd 2×12 4513.3 4513.3
TOS 2 The Trouble with Tribbles 2×13 4523.3 – 4525.6 4523.3
DS9 5 Trials and Tribble-ations 5×06 4523.7 4523.7
TOS 2 By Any Other Name 2×21 4657.5 – 4658.9 4657.5
TOS 2 The Ultimate Computer 2×24 4729.4 – 4731.3 4729.4
TOS 2 Return to Tomorrow 2×22 4768.3 – 4770.3 4768.3
TOS 3 The Paradise Syndrome 3×03 4842.6 – 4843.6 4842.6
TAS 1 Mudd’s Passion 1×10 4978.5 4978.5
TOS 3 The Enterprise Incident 3×04 5027.3 – 5027.4 5027.3
TOS 3 And the Children Shall Lead 3×05 5029.5 5029.5
TOS 2 A Piece of the Action 2×20 Unknown 5101
TOS 2 Patterns of Force 2×23 Unknown 5102
TOS 2 The Omega Glory 2×25 5103
TOS 2 Assignment: Earth 2×26 Unknown 5104
TOS 1 The City on the Edge of Forever 1×28 Unknown 5105
TOS 2 Mirror, Mirror 2×10 Unknown 5106
TOS 3 Day of the Dove 3×11 Unknown 5108
TOS 3 That Which Survives 3×14 Unknown 5109
TOS 3 The Empath 3×08 5121.5 5121.5
TAS 1 The Survivor 1×06 5143.3 5143.3
TAS 1 Beyond the Farthest Star 1×01 5221.3 – 5221.8 5221.3
TAS 1 The Time Trap 1×12 5267.2 – 5267.6 5267.2
TAS 2 Albatross 2×04 5275.6 – 5276.8 5275.6
TAS 1 One of Our Planets Is Missing 1×03 5371.3 – 5372.1 5371.3
TAS 1 Yesteryear 1×02 5373.4 5373.4
TAS 1 More Tribbles, More Troubles 1×05 5392.4 5392.4
TOS 3 The Mark of Gideon 3×17 5423.4 – 5423.8 5423.4
TOS 3 Spock’s Brain 3×06 5431.4 – 5432.3 5431.4
TOS 3 For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky 3×10 5476.3 – 5476.4 5476.3
TAS 1 The Lorelei Signal 1×04 5483.7 – 5483.9 5483.7
TAS 1 The Ambergris Element 1×13 5499.9 5499.9
TAS 1 The Eye of the Beholder 1×15 5501.2 5501.2
TAS 1 The Infinite Vulcan 1×07 5554.4 -5554.8 5554.4
TAS 1 The Terratin Incident 1×11 5577.3 – 5577.7 5577.3
TAS 1 Once Upon a Planet 1×09 5591.2 5591.2
TOS 3 Is There in Truth No Beauty? 3×07 5630.7 – 5630.8 5630.7
TAS 1 The Jihad 1×16 5683.1 5683.1
TOS 3 The Tholian Web 3×09 5693.2 5693.2
TOS 3 Wink of an Eye 3×13 5710.5 – 5710.9 5710.5
TOS 3 Whom Gods Destroy 3×16 5718.3 5718.3
TOS 3 The Lights of Zetar 3×18 5725.3 – 5725.6 5725.3
TOS 3 Let That Be Your Last Battlefield 3×15 5730.2 – 5730.7 5730.2
TOS 3 Plato’s Stepchildren 3×12 5784.2 – 5784.3 5784.2
TOS 3 The Cloud Minders 3×19 5818.4 – 5819.3 5818.4
TOS 3 The Way to Eden 3×20 5832.3 – 5832.6 5832.3
TOS 3 Requiem for Methuselah 3×21 5843.7 – 5843.8 5843.7
TOS 3 The Savage Curtain 3×22 5906.4 – 5906.5 5906.4
TOS 3 Turnabout Intruder 3×24 5928.5 – 5930.3 5928.5
TOS 3 All Our Yesterdays 3×23 5943.7 – 5943.9 5943.7
TAS 2 How Sharper Than a Serpent’s Tooth 2×05 6063.4 – 6063.5 6063.4
TAS 2 The Pirates of Orion 2×01 6334.1 – 6335.6 6334.1
TAS 2 The Counter-Clock Incident 2×06 6770.1 – 6770.6 6770.1
TAS 2 Bem 2×02 7403.6 7403.6
MOV Star Trek: The Motion Picture 1 7412.6 7412.6
MOV Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan 2 8130.4 8130.4
MOV Star Trek 3: The Search for Spock 3 8210.3 8210.3
MOV Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home 4 8390 8390
MOV Star Trek 5: The Final Frontier 5 8454.1 8454.1
MOV Star Trek 6: The Undiscovered Country 6 9521.6 9521.6
TNG 1 Encounter at Farpoint 1×01/02 41153.7 41153.7
TNG 1 Encounter at Farpoint II 1×01/02 41153.7 41153.7
TNG 1 The Naked Now 1×03 41209.2 41209.2
TNG 1 Code of Honor 1×04 41235.25 41235.25
TNG 1 Datalore 1×13 41242.4 41242.4
TNG 1 Lonely Among Us 1×07 41249.3 41249.3
TNG 1 Justice 1×08 41255.6 41255.6
TNG 1 Where No One Has Gone Before 1×06 41263.1 41263.1
TNG 1 Haven 1×11 41294.5 41294.5
TNG 1 Too Short a Season 1×16 41309.5 41309.5
TNG 1 11001001 1×15 41365.9 41365.9
TNG 1 The Last Outpost 1×05 41386.4 41386.4
TNG 1 Coming of Age 1×19 41461.2 41461.2
TNG 1 Home Soil 1×18 41463.9 41463.9
TNG 1 Heart of Glory 1×20 41503.7 41503.7
TNG 1 When The Bough Breaks 1×17 41509.1 41509.1
TNG 1 Hide and Q 1×10 41590.5 41590.5
TNG 1 Skin of Evil 1×23 41601.3 41601.3
TNG 1 Angel One 1×14 41636.9 41636.9
TNG 1 We’ll Always Have Paris 1×24 41697.9 41697.9
TNG 1 The Battle 1×09 41723.9 41723.9
TNG 1 Conspiracy 1×25 41775.5 41775.5
TNG 1 The Arsenal of Freedom 1×21 41798.2 41798.2
TNG 1 Symbiosis 1×22 Unknown 41800
TNG 1 The Neutral Zone 1×26 41986 41986
TNG 1 The Big Goodbye 1×12 41997.7 41997.7
TNG 2 The Child 2×01 42073.1 42073.1
TNG 2 Where Silence Has Lease 2×02 42193.6 42193.6
TNG 2 Elementary, Dear Data 2×03 42286.3 42286.3
TNG 2 The Outrageous Okona 2×04 42402.7 42402.7
TNG 2 The Schizoid Man 2×06 42437.5 42437.5
TNG 2 Loud As A Whisper 2×05 42477.2 42477.2
TNG 2 Unnatural Selection 2×07 42494.8 42494.8
TNG 2 A Matter Of Honor 2×08 42506.5 42506.5
TNG 2 The Measure Of A Man 2×09 42523.7 42523.7
TNG 2 The Dauphin 2×10 42568.8 42568.8
TNG 2 Contagion 2×11 42609.1 42609.1
TNG 2 The Royale 2×12 42625.4 42625.4
TNG 2 Time Squared 2×13 42679.2 42679.2
TNG 2 The Icarus Factor 2×14 42686.4 42686.4
TNG 2 Pen Pals 2×15 42695.3 42695.3
TNG 2 Q Who 2×16 42761.3 42761.3
TNG 2 Samaritan Snare 2×17 42779.1 42779.1
TNG 2 Up The Long Ladder 2×18 42823.2 42823.3
TNG 2 Manhunt 2×19 42859.2 42859.2
TNG 2 The Emissary 2×20 42901.3 42901.3
TNG 2 Peak Performance 2×21 42923.4 42923.4
TNG 2 Shades of Gray 2×22 42976.1 42976.1
TNG 3 Evolution 3×01 43125.8 43125.8
TNG 3 The Ensigns of Command 3×02 43133.3 43133.3
TNG 3 The Survivors 3×03 43152.4 43152.4
TNG 3 Who Watches The Watchers 3×04 43173.5 43173.5
TNG 3 The Bonding 3×05 43198.7 43198.7
TNG 3 Booby Trap 3×06 43205.6 43205.6
TNG 3 The Enemy 3×07 43349.2 43349.2
TNG 3 The Price 3×08 43385.6 43385.6
TNG 3 The Vengeance Factor 3×09 43421.9 43421.9
TNG 3 The Defector 3×10 43462.5 43462.5
TNG 3 The Hunted 3×11 43489.2 43489.2
TNG 3 The High Ground 3×12 43510.7 43510.7
TNG 3 Deja Q 3×13 43539.1 43539.1
TNG 3 A Matter of Perspective 3×14 43610.4 43610.4
TNG 3 Yesterday’s Enterprise 3×15 43625.2 43625.2
TNG 3 The Offspring 3×16 43657 43657
TNG 3 Sins of the Father 3×17 43685.2 43685.2
TNG 3 Allegiance 3×18 43714.1 43714.1
TNG 3 Captain’s Holiday 3×19 43745.2 43745.2
TNG 3 Tin Man 3×20 43779.3 43779.3
TNG 3 Hollow Pursuits 3×21 43807.4 43807.4
TNG 3 The Most Toys 3×22 43872.2 43872.2
TNG 3 Sarek 3×23 43917.4 43917.4
TNG 3 Ménage à Troi 3×24 43930.7 43930.7
TNG 3 Transfigurations 3×25 43957.2 43957.2
TNG 3 The Best of Both Worlds 3×26 43989.1 43989.1
TNG 4 The Best of Both Worlds, Part II 4×01 44001.4 44001.4
TNG 4 Family 4×02 44012.3 44012.3
TNG 4 Brothers 4×03 44085.7 44085.7
TNG 4 Suddenly Human 4×04 44143.7 44143.7
TNG 4 Remember Me 4×05 44161.2 44161.2
TNG 4 Legacy 4×06 44215.2 44215.2
TNG 4 Reunion 4×07 44246.3 44246.3
TNG 4 Future Imperfect 4×08 44286.5 44286.5
TNG 4 Final Mission 4×09 44307.3 44307.3
TNG 4 The Loss 4×10 44356.9 44356.9
TNG 4 Data’s Day 4×11 44390.1 44390.1
TNG 4 The Wounded 4×12 44429.6 44429.6
TNG 4 Devil’s Due 4×13 44474.5 44474.5
TNG 4 First Contact 4×15 Unknown 44500
TNG 4 Clues 4×14 44502.7 44502.7
TNG 4 Galaxy’s Child 4×16 44614.6 44614.6
TNG 4 Night Terrors 4×17 44631.2 44631.2
TNG 4 Identity Crisis 4×18 44664.5 44664.5
TNG 4 The Nth Degree 4×19 44704.2 44704.2
TNG 4 Qpid 4×20 44741.9 44741.9
TNG 4 The Drumhead 4×21 44769.2 44769.2
TNG 4 Half a Life 4×22 44805.3 44805.3
TNG 4 The Host 4×23 44821.3 44821.3
TNG 4 The Mind’s Eye 4×24 44885.5 44885.5
TNG 4 In Theory 4×25 44932.3 44932.3
TNG 4 Redemption 4×26 44995.3 44995.3
TNG 5 Redemption II 5×01 45020.4 45020.4
TNG 5 Darmok 5×02 45047.2 45047.2
TNG 5 Ensign Ro 5×03 45076.3 45076.3
TNG 5 Silicon Avatar 5×04 45122.3 45122.3
TNG 5 Disaster 5×05 45156.1 45156.1
TNG 5 The Game 5×06 45208.2 45208.2
TNG 5 Unification I 5×07 45236.4 45236.4
TNG 5 Unification II 5×08 45245.8 45245.8
TNG 5 A Matter of Time 5×09 45349.1 45349.1
TNG 5 New Ground 5×10 45376.3 45376.3
TNG 5 Hero Worship 5×11 45397.3 45397.3
TNG 5 Violations 5×12 45429.3 45429.3
TNG 5 The Masterpiece Society 5×13 45470.1 45470.1
TNG 5 Conundrum 5×14 45494.2 45494.2
TNG 5 Power Play 5×15 45571.2 45571.2
TNG 5 Ethics 5×16 45587.3 45587.3
TNG 5 The Outcast 5×17 45614.6 45614.6
TNG 5 Cause and Effect 5×18 45652.1 45652.1
TNG 5 The First Duty 5×19 45703.9 45703.9
TNG 5 Cost of Living 5×20 45733.6 45733.6
TNG 5 The Perfect Mate 5×21 45761.3 45761.3
TNG 5 Imaginary Friend 5×22 45832.1 45832.1
TNG 5 I Borg 5×23 45854.2 45854.2
TNG 5 The Next Phase 5×24 45892.4 45892.4
TNG 5 The Inner Light 5×25 45944.1 45944.1
TNG 5 Time’s Arrow 5×26 45959.1 45959.1
TNG 6 Time’s Arrow, Part II 6×01 46001.3 46001.3
TNG 6 Realm of Fear 6×02 46041.1 46041.1
TNG 6 Man of the People 6×03 46071.6 46071.6
TNG 6 Relics 6×04 46125.3 46125.3
TNG 6 Schisms 6×05 46154.2 46154.2
TNG 6 True Q 6×06 46192.3 46192.3
TNG 6 Rascals 6×07 46235.7 46235.7
TNG 6 A Fistful of Datas 6×08 46271.5 46271.5
TNG 6 The Quality of Life 6×09 46307.2 46307.2
TNG 6 Chain of Command, Part I 6×10 46357.4 46357.4
TNG 6 Chain of Command, Part II 6×11 46360.8 46360.8
DS9 1 Emissary II 1×01/02 46379.1 46379.1
DS9 1 Emissary I 1×01/02 46379.1 46379.1
DS9 1 Past Prologue 1×03 Unknown 46400
DS9 1 A Man Alone 1×04 46421.5 46421.5
DS9 1 Babel 1×05 46423.7 46423.7
TNG 6 Ship in a Bottle 6×12 46424.1 46424.1
TNG 6 Aquiel 6×13 46461.3 46461.3
DS9 1 Captive Pursuit 1×06 46477.5 46477.5
TNG 6 Face of the Enemy 6×14 46519 46519
DS9 1 Q-Less 1×07 46531.2 46531.2
TNG 6 Tapestry 6×15 Unknown 46532
DS9 1 The Passenger 1×09 Unknown 46533
TNG 6 Birthright, Part I 6×16 46578.4 46578.4
TNG 6 Birthright, Part II 6×17 46579.2 46579.2
DS9 1 Move Along Home 1×10 Unknown 46580
DS9 1 The Nagus 1×11 Unknown 46581
TNG 6 Starship Mine 6×18 46682.4 46682.4
TNG 6 Lessons 6×19 46693.1 46693.1
DS9 1 Vortex 1×12 Unknown 46694
DS9 1 Battle Lines 1×13 Unknown 46694
DS9 1 The Storyteller 1×14 46729.1 46729.1
TNG 6 The Chase 6×20 46731.5 46731.5
TNG 6 Frame of Mind 6×21 46778.1 46778.1
TNG 6 Suspicions 6×22 46830.1 46830.1
DS9 1 Progress 1×15 46844.3 46844.3
TNG 6 Rightful Heir 6×23 46852.2 46852.2
DS9 1 If Wishes Were Horses 1×16 46853.2 46853.2
DS9 1 Dax 1×08 46910.1 46910.1
TNG 6 Second Chances 6×24 46915.2 46915.2
DS9 1 Dramatis Personae 1×18 46922.3 46922.3
DS9 1 The Forsaken 1×17 46925.1 46925.1
DS9 1 Duet 1×19 Unknown 46926
TNG 6 Timescape 6×25 46944.2 46944.2
DS9 1 In the Hands of the Prophets 1×20 Unknown 46945
TNG 6 Descent 6×26 46982.1 46982.1
TNG 7 Descent, Part II 7×01 47025.4 47025.4
DS9 2 The Homecoming 2×01 Unknown 47026
DS9 2 The Circle 2×02 Unknown 47027
DS9 2 The Siege 2×03 Unknown 47028
TNG 7 Liaisons 7×02 Unknown 47029
TNG 7 Gambit, Part I 7×04 47135.2 47135.2
TNG 7 Gambit, Part II 7×05 47160.1 47160.1
DS9 2 Cardassians 2×05 47177.2 47177.2
DS9 2 Invasive Procedures 2×04 47182.1 47182.1
TNG 7 Interface 7×03 47215.5 47215.5
TNG 7 Phantasms 7×06 47225.7 47225.7
DS9 2 Melora 2×06 47229.1 47229.1
TNG 7 Dark Page 7×07 47254.1 47254.1
DS9 2 Rules of Acquisition 2×07 Unknown 47255
DS9 2 Necessary Evil 2×08 47282.5-47284.1 47282.5
TNG 7 Attached 7×08 47304.2 47304.2
TNG 7 Force of Nature 7×09 47310.2 47310.2
DS9 2 Second Sight 2×09 47329.4 47329.4
DS9 2 Sanctuary 2×10 47391.2 47391.2
TNG 7 Parallels 7×11 47391.2 47391.2
DS9 2 Rivals 2×11 Unknown 47391.3
DS9 2 The Alternate 2×12 47391.7 47391.7
TNG 7 Inheritance 7×10 47410.2 47410.2
TNG 7 Homeward 7×13 47423.9 47423.9
TNG 7 The Pegasus 7×12 47457.1 47457.1
ENT 4 These Are the Voyages… 4×22 47457.1 47457.1
DS9 2 Armageddon Game 2×13 Unknown 47458
TNG 7 Sub Rosa 7×14 Unknown 47459
TNG 7 Lower Decks 7×15 47566.7 47566.7
DS9 2 Paradise 2×15 47573.1 47573.1
DS9 2 Whispers 2×14 47581.2 47581.2
DS9 2 Shadowplay 2×16 47603.3 47603.3
TNG 7 Thine Own Self 7×16 47611.2 47611.2
TNG 7 Masks 7×17 47615.2 47615.2
DS9 2 Playing God 2×17 Unknown 47616
TNG 7 Eye of the Beholder 7×18 47622.1 47622.1
DS9 2 Profit and Loss 2×18 Unknown 47623
TNG 7 Genesis 7×19 47653.2 47653.2
DS9 2 Blood Oath 2×19 Unknown 47654
TNG 7 Journey’s End 7×20 47751.2 47751.2
DS9 2 The Maquis, Part I 2×20 Unknown 47752
DS9 2 The Maquis, Part II 2×21 Unknown 47753
TNG 7 Firstborn 7×21 47779.4 47779.4
TNG 7 Bloodlines 7×22 47829.1 47829.1
DS9 2 The Wire 2×22 Unknown 47830
TNG 7 Emergence 7×23 47869.2 47869.2
DS9 2 Crossover 2×23 Unknown 47870
TNG 7 Preemptive Strike 7×24 47941.7 47941.7
DS9 2 The Collaborator 2×24 Unknown 47942
DS9 2 Tribunal 2×25 47944.2 47944.2
TNG 7 All Good Things… 7×25/26 47988 47988
DS9 2 The Jem’Hadar 2×26 Unknown 47989
DS9 3 The Search, Part I 3×01 48213.1 48213.1
DS9 3 The Search, Part II 3×02 48217.7 48217.7
DS9 3 The House of Quark 3×03 48224.2 48224.2
DS9 3 Equilibrium 3×04 Unknown 48225
DS9 3 Second Skin 3×05 48244.5 48244.5
DS9 3 The Abandoned 3×06 48301.1 48301.1
VOY 1 Caretaker 1×01/02 48315.6 48315.6
VOY 1 Caretaker II 1×01/02 48315.6 48315.6
DS9 3 Civil Defense 3×07 48388.8 48388.8
DS9 3 Meridian 3×08 48423.2 48423.2
VOY 1 Parallax 1×03 48439.7 48439.7
DS9 3 Defiant 3×09 48467.3 48467.3
DS9 3 Fascination 3×10 Unknown 48468
DS9 3 Past Tense, Part I 3×11 48481.2 48481.2
DS9 3 Past Tense, Part II 3×12 48481.2 48481.2
VOY 1 Time and Again 1×04 Unknown 48482
DS9 3 Life Support 3×13 48498.4 48498.4
DS9 3 Heart of Stone 3×14 48521.5 48521.5
VOY 1 Phage 1×05 48532.4 48532.4
DS9 3 Destiny 3×15 48543.2 48543.2
VOY 1 The Cloud 1×06 48546.2 48546.2
DS9 3 Prophet Motive 3×16 Unknown 48547
DS9 3 Visionary 3×17 48576.7 48576.7
VOY 1 Ex Post Facto 1×08 Unknown 48577
VOY 1 Eye of the Needle 1×07 48579.4 48579.4
DS9 3 Distant Voices 3×18 48592.2 48592.2
MOV 9 Generations 48593
VOY 1 Emanations 1×09 48623.5 48623.5
VOY 1 Prime Factors 1×10 48642.5 48642.5
VOY 1 State of Flux 1×11 48658.2 48658.2
DS9 3 Through the Looking Glass 3×19 Unknown 48659
VOY 1 Heroes and Demons 1×12 48693.2 48693.2
DS9 3 Improbable Cause 3×20 Unknown 48694
DS9 3 The Die is Cast 3×21 Unknown 48695
VOY 1 Cathexis 1×13 48734.2 48734.2
DS9 3 Explorers 3×22 Unknown 48735
VOY 1 Faces 1×14 48784.2 48784.2
DS9 3 Family Business 3×23 Unknown 48789
VOY 1 Jetrel 1×15 48832.1 48832.1
DS9 3 Shakaar 3×24 Unknown 48833
VOY 1 Learning Curve 1×16 48846.5 48846.5
DS9 3 Facets 3×25 48876.3 48876.3
VOY 2 Projections 2×03 48892.1 48892.1
VOY 2 Elogium 2×04 48921.3 48921.3
DS9 3 The Adversary 3×26 48959.1 48959.1
VOY 2 The 37’s 2×01 48975.1 48975.1
VOY 2 Initiations 2×02 49005.3 49005.3
VOY 2 Non Sequitur 2×05 49011 49011
DS9 4 The Way of the Warrior 4×01/02 49011.4 49011.4
VOY 2 Twisted 2×06 Unknown 49012
DS9 4 The Visitor 4×03 49034.7 49034.7
DS9 4 Hippocratic Oath 4×04 49066.5 49066.5
VOY 2 Parturition 2×07 49068.5 49068.5
DS9 4 Indiscretion 4×05 Unknown 49069
VOY 2 Persistence of Vision 2×08 Unknown 49070
VOY 2 Tattoo 2×09 Unknown 49071
VOY 2 Cold Fire 2×10 49164.8 49164.8
DS9 4 Homefront 4×11 49170.65 49170.65
DS9 4 Paradise Lost 4×12 Unknown 49171
VOY 2 Prototype 2×13 Unknown 49172
DS9 4 Rejoined 4×06 49195.5 49195.5
VOY 2 Maneuvers 2×11 49208.5 49208.5
DS9 4 Starship Down 4×07 49263.5 49263.5
DS9 4 Little Green Men 4×08 Unknown 49264
VOY 2 Resistance 2×12 Unknown 49289
DS9 4 The Sword of Kahless 4×09 49289.1 49289.1
DS9 4 Our Man Bashir 4×10 49300.7 49300.7
VOY 2 Death Wish 2×18 49301.2 49301.2
VOY 2 Alliances 2×14 49337.4 49337.4
DS9 4 Crossfire 4×13 Unknown 49338
VOY 2 Threshold 2×15 49373.4 49373.4
DS9 4 Return to Grace 4×14 Unknown 49374
VOY 2 Meld 2×16 Unknown 49375
VOY 2 Dreadnought 2×17 49447 49447
VOY 2 Investigations 2×20 49485.2 49485.2
VOY 2 Lifesigns 2×19 49504.3 49504.3
VOY 2 Deadlock 2×21 49548.7 49548.7
DS9 4 Sons of Mogh 4×15 49556.2 49556.2
DS9 4 Bar Association 4×16 Unknown 49557
DS9 4 Accession 4×17 Unknown 49558
VOY 2 Innocence 2×22 49578.2 49578.2
VOY 2 Tuvix 2×24 49655.2 49655.2
DS9 4 For the Cause 4×22 Unknown 49656
DS9 4 Rules of Engagement 4×18 49665.3 49665.3
DS9 4 Hard Time 4×19 Unknown 49666
DS9 4 Shattered Mirror 4×20 Unknown 49667
VOY 2 The Thaw 2×23 Unknown 49668
DS9 4 The Muse 4×21 Unknown 49669
VOY 2 Resolutions 2×25 49690.1 49690.1
DS9 4 To the Death 4×23 49904.2 49904.2
DS9 4 The Quickening 4×24 Unknown 49905
DS9 4 Body Parts 4×25 49930.3 49930.3
DS9 4 Broken Link 4×26 49962.4 49962.4
VOY 2 Basics, Part I 2×26 Unknown 49963
VOY 3 Basics, Part II 3×01 50032.7 50032.7
DS9 5 Apocalypse Rising 5×01 Unknown 50033
DS9 5 The Ship 5×02 50049.3 50049.3
DS9 5 Looking for par’Mach in All the Wrong Places 5×03 50061.2 50061.2
DS9 5 Nor the Battle to the Strong 5×04 Unknown 50062
DS9 5 The Assignment 5×05 Unknown 50063
VOY 3 False Profits 3×05 50074.3 50074.3
VOY 3 Remember 3×06 50203.1 50074.3
VOY 3 Flashback 3×02 50126.4 50126.4
VOY 3 The Chute 3×03 50156.2 50156.2
VOY 3 Sacred Ground 3×07 50063.2 50203.1
VOY 3 The Swarm 3×04 50252.3 50252.3
VOY 3 Future’s End 3×08 50312.5 50312.5
VOY 3 Future’s End, Part II 3×09 50312.5 50312.5
DS9 5 Let He Who Is Without Sin… 5×07 Unknown 50313
DS9 5 Things Past 5×08 Unknown 50314
VOY 3 Warlord 3×10 50348.1 50348.1
DS9 5 The Ascent 5×09 Unknown 50349
VOY 3 The Q and the Grey 3×11 50384.2 50384.2
DS9 5 Rapture 5×10 Unknown 50385
DS9 5 The Darkness and the Light 5×11 50416.2 50416.2
VOY 3 Macrocosm 3×12 50425.1 50425.1
VOY 3 Fair Trade 3×13 Unknown 50426
VOY 3 Alter Ego 3×14 50460.3 50460.3
DS9 5 The Begotten 5×12 Unknown 50461
DS9 5 For the Uniform 5×13 50485.2 50485.2
VOY 3 Coda 3×15 50518.6 50518.6
VOY 3 Blood Fever 3×16 50537.2 50537.2
MOV 9 First Contact 50538
DS9 5 In Purgatory’s Shadow 5×14 Unknown 50539
DS9 5 By Inferno’s Light 5×15 50564.2 50564.2
VOY 3 Unity 3×17 50614.2 50614.2
VOY 3 Darkling 3×18 50693.2 50693.2
DS9 5 Doctor Bashir, I Presume 5×16 Unknown 50694
VOY 3 Rise 3×19 Unknown 50695
DS9 5 A Simple Investigation 5×17 Unknown 50696
DS9 5 Business as Usual 5×18 Unknown 50697
DS9 5 Ties of Blood and Water 5×19 50712.5 50712.5
VOY 3 Favorite Son 3×20 50732.4 50732.4
DS9 5 Ferengi Love Songs 5×20 Unknown 50733
DS9 5 Soldiers of the Empire 5×21 Unknown 50734
DS9 5 Children of Time 5×22 50814.2 50814.2
VOY 3 Before and After 3×21 Unknown 50815
VOY 3 Distant Origin 3×23 Unknown 50836
VOY 3 Real Life 3×22 50836.2 50836.2
DS9 5 Empok Nor 5×24 50901.7 50901.7
VOY 3 Displaced 3×24 50912.4 50912.4
DS9 5 Blaze of Glory 5×23 Unknown 50913
DS9 5 In the Cards 5×25 50929.4 50929.4
VOY 3 Worst Case Scenario 3×25 50953.4 50953.4
DS9 5 Call to Arms 5×26 50975.2 50975.2
VOY 4 Day of Honor 4×03 Unknown 50976
VOY 3 Scorpion 3×26 50984.3 50984.2
VOY 4 Scorpion, Part II 4×01 51003.7 51003.7
VOY 4 The Gift 4×02 51008 51008
VOY 4 Nemesis 4×04 51082.4 51082.4
DS9 6 Rocks and Shoals 6×02 51096.2 51096.2
DS9 6 Sons and Daughters 6×03 Unknown 51097
DS9 6 Behind the Lines 6×04 51145.3 51145.3
DS9 6 Favor the Bold 6×05 Unknown 51146
DS9 6 Sacrifice of Angels 6×06 Unknown 51147
VOY 4 The Raven 4×06 Unknown 51148
VOY 4 Revulsion 4×05 51186.2 51186.2
DS9 6 A Time to Stand 6×01 Unknown 51187
VOY 4 Scientific Method 4×07 51244.3 51244.3
DS9 6 You Are Cordially Invited 6×07 51247.5 51247.5
VOY 4 Year of Hell 4×08 51268.4 51268.4
VOY 4 Random Thoughts 4×10 51367.2 51367.2
DS9 6 Statistical Probabilities 6×09 Unknown 51368
VOY 4 Concerning Flight 4×11 51386.4 51386.4
DS9 6 The Magnificent Ferengi 6×10 Unknown 51387
DS9 6 Waltz 6×11 51408.6-51413.6 51408.6
DS9 6 Resurrection 6×08 Unknown 51425
VOY 4 Year of Hell, Part II 4×09 51425.4 51425.4
VOY 4 Mortal Coil 4×12 51449.2 51449.2
VOY 4 Message in a Bottle 4×14 51462 51462
VOY 4 Waking Moments 4×13 51471.3 51471.3
DS9 6 Who Mourns for Morn? 6×12 Unknown 51472
DS9 6 Far Beyond the Stars 6×13 Unknown 51473
DS9 6 One Little Ship 6×14 51474.2 51474.2
VOY 4 Hunters 4×15 51501.4 51501.4
DS9 6 Honor Among Thieves 6×15 Unknown 51502
DS9 6 Change of Heart 6×16 51597.2 51597.2
VOY 4 Prey 4×16 51652.3 51652.3
VOY 4 Retrospect 4×17 51658.2 51658.2
VOY 4 The Killing Game 4×18 Unknown 51659
VOY 4 The Killing Game, Part II 4×19 51715.2 51715.2
DS9 6 Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night 6×17 Unknown 51716
DS9 6 Inquisition 6×18 Unknown 51717
DS9 6 In the Pale Moonlight 6×19 51721.3 51721.3
VOY 4 Vis à Vis 4×20 51762.4 51762.4
VOY 4 The Omega Directive 4×21 51781.2 51781.2
DS9 6 His Way 6×20 Unknown 51782
VOY 4 Unforgettable 4×22 51813.4 51813.4
DS9 6 The Reckoning 6×21 Unknown 51814
VOY 4 Living Witness 4×23 Unknown 51815
DS9 6 Valiant 6×22 51825.4 51825.4
VOY 4 Demon 4×24 Unknown 51826
DS9 6 Profit and Lace 6×23 Unknown 51827
VOY 4 One 4×25 51929.3 51929.3
DS9 6 Time’s Orphan 6×24 Unknown 51930
DS9 6 The Sound of Her Voice 6×25 51948.3 51948.3
DS9 6 Tears of the Prophets 6×26 Unknown 51949
VOY 4 Hope and Fear 4×26 51978.2 51978.2
VOY 5 Night 5×01 52081.2 52081.2
VOY 5 Drone 5×02 Unknown 52082
VOY 5 Extreme Risk 5×03 Unknown 52083
VOY 5 In the Flesh 5×04 52136.4 52136.4
VOY 5 Once Upon a Time 5×05 Unknown 52137
VOY 5 Nothing Human 5×08 Unknown 52138
DS9 7 Shadows and Symbols 7×02 52152.6 52152.6
DS9 7 Afterimage 7×03 Unknown 52153
DS9 7 Take Me Out to the Holosuite 7×04 Unknown 52154
DS9 7 Chrysalis 7×05 Unknown 52155
DS9 7 Treachery, Faith and the Great River 7×06 Unknown 52156
DS9 7 Once More Unto the Breach 7×07 Unknown 52157
DS9 7 The Siege of AR-558 7×08 Unknown 52158
VOY 5 Timeless 5×06 52164.3 52164.3
DS9 7 Image in the Sand 7×01 Unknown 52165
VOY 5 Thirty Days 5×09 52179.4 52179.4
DS9 7 Covenant 7×09 Unknown 52180
VOY 5 Infinite Regress 5×07 52356.2 52356.2
VOY 5 Counterpoint 5×10 Unknown 52357
DS9 7 It’s Only a Paper Moon 7×10 Unknown 52358
DS9 7 Prodigal Daughter 7×11 Unknown 52359
VOY 5 Latent Image 5×11 Unknown 52360
VOY 5 Bride of Chaotica! 5×12 Unknown 52361
DS9 7 The Emperor’s New Cloak 7×12 Unknown 52362
VOY 5 Gravity 5×13 52438.9 52438.9
VOY 5 Bliss 5×14 52542.3 52542.3
DS9 7 Chimera 7×14 Unknown 52543.3
VOY 5 The Disease 5×17 Unknown 52544.3
DS9 7 Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang 7×15 Unknown 52545.3
DS9 7 Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges 7×16 Unknown 52546.3
DS9 7 Penumbra 7×17 52576.2 52576.2
DS9 7 ‘Til Death Do Us Part 7×18 Unknown 52577.2
DS9 7 Strange Bedfellows 7×19 Unknown 52578.2
DS9 7 The Changing Face of Evil 7×20 Unknown 52579.2
DS9 7 When It Rains… 7×21 Unknown 52580.2
DS9 7 Tacking Into the Wind 7×22 Unknown 52581.2
VOY 5 Course: Oblivion 5×18 52586.3 52586.3
VOY 5 Dark Frontier 5×15/16 52619.2 52619.2
VOY 5 Dark Frontier II 5×15/16 52619.2 52619.2
VOY 5 The Fight 5×19 Unknown 52620.2
VOY 5 Think Tank 5×20 Unknown 52621.2
DS9 7 Extreme Measures 7×23 52645.7 52645.7
VOY 5 Someone to Watch Over Me 5×22 52648 52648
VOY 5 11:59 5×23 Unknown 52649
DS9 7 Field of Fire 7×13 Unknown 52739
VOY 5 Relativity 5×24 52861.27 52861.27
DS9 7 The Dogs of War 7×24 52861.3 52861.3
VOY 5 Warhead 5×25 Unknown 52862.27
DS9 7 What You Leave Behind I 7×25/26 Unknown 52862.3
VOY 5 Equinox 5×26 Unknown 52863.27
DS9 7 What You Leave Behind II 7×25/26 Unknown 52863.3
VOY 6 Equinox, Part II 6×01 Unknown 52864.27
MOV 9 Insurrection 52864.3
VOY 5 Juggernaut 5×21 Unknown 52865.3
VOY 6 Survival Instinct 6×02 53049.2 53049.2
VOY 6 Barge of the Dead 6×03 Unknown 53050.2
VOY 6 Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy 6×04 Unknown 53051.2
VOY 6 Dragon’s Teeth 6×07 53167.9 53167.9
VOY 6 Alice 6×05 Unknown 53168.9
VOY 6 Riddles 6×06 53263.2 53263.2
VOY 6 One Small Step 6×08 53292.7 53292.7
VOY 6 The Voyager Conspiracy 6×09 53329 53329
VOY 6 Pathfinder 6×10 Unknown 53330
VOY 6 Fair Haven 6×11 Unknown 53331
VOY 6 Tsunkatse 6×15 53447.2 53447.2
VOY 6 Blink of an Eye 6×12 Unknown 53448.2
VOY 6 Virtuoso 6×13 53556.4 53556.4
VOY 6 Collective 6×16 Unknown 53557.4
VOY 6 Memorial 6×14 Unknown 53558.4
VOY 6 Spirit Folk 6×17 Unknown 53559.4
VOY 6 Ashes to Ashes 6×18 53679.4 53679.4
VOY 6 Child’s Play 6×19 Unknown 53680.4
VOY 6 Good Shepherd 6×20 53753.2 53753.2
VOY 6 Fury 6×23 Unknown 53754.2
VOY 6 Live Fast and Prosper 6×21 53849.2 53849.2
VOY 6 Life Line 6×24 Unknown 53850.2
VOY 6 Muse 6×22 53918 53918
VOY 6 The Haunting of Deck Twelve 6×25 Unknown 53919
VOY 6 Unimatrix Zero 6×26 Unknown 53920
VOY 7 Unimatrix Zero, Part II 7×01 54014.4 54014.4
VOY 7 Drive 7×03 54058.6 54058.6
VOY 7 Repression 7×04 54090.4 54090.4
VOY 7 Imperfection 7×02 54129.4 54129.4
VOY 7 Critical Care 7×05 Unknown 54130.4
VOY 7 Inside Man 7×06 54208.3 54208.3
VOY 7 Body and Soul 7×07 54238.3 54238.3
VOY 7 Nightingale 7×08 54274.7 54274.7
VOY 7 Flesh and Blood 7×09/10 54315.3-54337.5 54315.3
VOY 7 Flesh and Blood 7×09/10 54315.3-54337.5 54315.3
VOY 7 Shattered 7×11 Unknown 54316.3
VOY 7 Lineage 7×12 54452.6 54452.6
VOY 7 Repentance 7×13 54474.6 54474.6
VOY 7 Prophecy 7×14 54518.2-54529.8 54518.2
VOY 7 The Void 7×15 54553.4-54562.7 54553.4
VOY 7 Workforce 7×16 54584.3-54608.6 54584.3
VOY 7 Workforce, Part II 7×17 54622.4 54622.4
VOY 7 Human Error 7×18 Unknown 54623.4
VOY 7 Q2 7×19 54704.5 54704.5
VOY 7 Author, Author 7×20 54732.3 54732.3
VOY 7 Friendship One 7×21 54775.4 54775.4
VOY 7 Natural Law 7×22 54827.7 54827.7
VOY 7 Homestead 7×23 54868.6 54868.6
VOY 7 Renaissance Man 7×24 54890.7 54890.7
VOY 7 Endgame I 7×25/26 54973.4 54973.4
VOY 7 Endgame II 7×26 54973.4 54973.4
MOV 9 Nemesis 10 56844